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Necessary Evils

This post is about how failures in your existence may have helped you in unexpected ways. A good way to do this I think is to go through some examples from my own pathetic existence. I know, but just deal with this ego jerking.

When I went to college the first time, my first major was not finance with a concentration in investment finance. I had two other intended majors before that. The first one was electrical engineering and I was going to get a bachelor's degree. I failed at that with flying colors (this means I'd to drop it before I even made it into it). My second one was architecture. First I was going to get a bachelor's degree; then I was going to do that along with a minor in business; and lastly I was going to get a master's degree along with the same minor. The same fate befell me.

I also tried to get into an apprenticeship program at another place twice. This was after I went to college the second time. It was for an industrial electrician. I failed both times as well.

For a long time I thought these failures had no value. But then one day I realized they did. This was when I fell into the whole writing thing. You see, they helped me with my writing. And they did so in a couple different ways.

One was they showed me what I didn't want to do with my existence. At the time I tried each of those things, I thought I was good at them. Well, I was a fucktard obviously. I also thought they were my real passions (the same went for the two degrees I did get as well). Sometime later I realized I thought they were just okay. It turned out my real passion was writing. And it also turned out I was actually decent at it.

Another was they gave me material for my writing. This included ideas for settings, characters, plots, situations, etc. Some were more specific while others were more general.

A third was they made me the person I needed to be in order to be a writer. They battle-hardened me so to speak. It's not that I don't get bothered by stuff anymore, it's just that I'm bothered by it less.

The moral of this story is all these failures turned out to be necessary evils. I suppose I should thank them all for what they have done for me. I suppose I should also thank the places where I tried to do these things. It's funny though because they helped me in ways they don't normally help people. And they did it in ways they probably weren't supposed to.

Now I want to leave you, fellow reader, with one more thought. Maybe some failure you've had somewhere in your existence will turn out to be a necessary evil for you. Or maybe one already has. If it hasn't, hopefully it does. And if it does, please give credit where credit is due. \m/ Forge on! \m/.

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