-Controversy has a new ally-
Q1: Are Thejyreq Vazgothicus Ldeikone and Zürthüryx Hemtolig Qosdarlu your real names?
A1: No. They're our pen names. We think it's cool to have them.
Q2: Why didn't you reveal your real names right away?
A2: We did this for protection. Then we realized we didn't have to do that. We also figured out using our real names would help us with our writing. One more reason is we thought it was cool because it made us mysterious.
Q3: Since you're using your real names now, are you still going to use your pen names?
A3: Yes. This is because they're badass if we do say so ourselves.
Q4: Where do you two live?
A4: We dwell in Greenfield, Wisconsin in the United States of America.
Q5: What kind of book series is Hex Immortal?
A5: First off it's a fictional one. As for its genre, it's speculative fiction. Also, we threw in some political incorrectness, ultra-violence, hardcore pornography, and obscene language to make it spicy. Think of it kind of like a mutt in terms of dogs. Hopefully it has hybrid vigor because of that.
Q6: Is Hex Immortal an erotica, or porno, book series?
A6: No. Even though it contains pornographic material, it's not a porno book series. How's that possible you may ask? Allow us to explain. If you take all of the themes in our book and turn them into percentages, porn is the smallest one. If you don't even compare it the other ones, it's still a very small one.
Q7: Why was Hex Immortal: Between Revolution's Wings (Book 1, Part 1) written using unorthodox writing methods?
A7: The reason why we use these kinds of techniques is because very few forgers do; because they differentiate our book from other ones; and because we just think they kick motherfucking ass. These techniques are seen more in movies and TV shows than in books. Now, there are forgers and participants who think these methods are draconian or whatever, but we don't give a flying fuck. We think they're cool. However, we'll adhere to the punctuation, grammar, spelling, etc. rules and make things as clear as possible. This will also apply to all of the other books in the Hex Immortal series.
Q8: Why does Hex Immortal: Between Revolution's Wings (Book 1, Part 1)contain the stuff that it does?
A8: We are firm believers in pushing the envelope and freedom of speech. We tackle the issues that other people in media (movies, books, music, etc.) are too chicken shit to do. In short, we have more balls than they do. Also keep in mind that all of these concepts in this book play secondary roles. We use them only to enhance the plot and character development, not take the place of them. This will also apply to all of the other book in the Hex Immortal series. Now let the overwhelming controversy commence!
Q9: Why do you go into so much detail with such horrific things in Hex Immortal: Between Revolution's Wings (Book 1, Part 1)?
A9: We do this because it makes the scenes much more emotional. Just "saying something happened" doesn't elicit as a strong emotional response as describing it in excruciating detail does. We want you to feel a character's pain, anger, love, hatred, sorrow, fear, etc. We want you to experience it as if it were actually happening to you. We want certain events from it to be singed into mind so that you remember them long after you have finished reading it. This will also apply to all of the other books in the Hex Immortal series.
Q10: What are your influences?
A10: There are way too many to list here. If you want to see them, please visit our Influences webpage. Also keep in mind that we don't approve of everything that has influenced us and our writing.
Q11: Do you guys approve of any of the stuff in Hex Immortal: Between Revolution's Wings (Book 1, Part 1)?
A11: Some of it yes and some of it no. You'll have to go and figure it out yourself. You can think of it as some fun little game. This will also apply to all of the other books in the Hex Immortal series.
Q12: Are you guys fucking crazy?
A12: You should be asking yourself that question since you're actually asking us it. Isn't it obvious? To us, writing is a lifestyle. We eat, sleep, and breathe it. We never stopped doing it; we currently aren't stopping doing it; and we'll never stop doing it. The only time we'll stop is when we motherfucking die!
Q13: Can I get a copy of Hex Immortal: Between Revolution's Wings (Book 1, Part 1) for free?
A13: Only if we decide to give one to you for free. Otherwise, you're going to have to pay whatever we decide to charge for admission to participate in it. You never were; are; and never will be entitled to it.
Q14: Why don't you lobby the federal government to subsidize you so that you can give Hex Immortal: Between Revolution's Wings (Book 1, Part 1) away for free?
A14: No. It shouldn't give us money. We believe in making our money the old fashioned way, and that's by providing a good and/or service in exchange for money.
Q15: Can I use food stamps to pay the admission price for Hex Immortal: Between Revolution's Wings (Book 1, Part 1)?
A15: No. We, Amazon, and Smashwords only accept debit cards and credit cards.
Q16: Do you approve of people reviewing your books without participating in the whole thing?
A16: No. Please have the common courtesy to participate in the whole thing before you review it, but not everyone may listen to this.
Q17: Do you think that your admission prices are fair for your books?
A17: Yes. However, there could be potential participants who are cheap bastards, or cheap bitches, and think otherwise.
Q18: What do you have to say to all those who shall verbally attack you for the controversial content featured in Hex Immortal: Between Revolution's Wings (Book 1, Part 1) as well as the future books in the Hex Immortal series?
A18: Bring it on bitches! We can take whatever you can dish out at us. However, be forewarned. No matter what you say about us or do to us, we'll never stop.
Q19: Are your books the way they're supposed to be?
A19: We think that we have done the best; are currently doing the best; and will continue to do the best that we can when forging these books. However, the participant might not see it this way. If they perceive it as being stupid, funny, serious, etc., then it'll come off as such. We've done our part. Now we just have to pray that the participants don't fuck up theirs, which could happen.
Q20: Do you do any other type of writing?
A20: As a matter of fact, we do. We forge poems, fanfiction, editorials, short stories, and song & lyric parodies. Please visit our links webpage to find websites where you can read them.
Q21: What are your political beliefs?
A21: That is a very good question. Here, let us enlighten you. We are both unapologetic conservative libertarians baby. Also, are beliefs have a tendency to show up in the Hex Immortal series as well as other works. You've been warned.
Q22: Why have you sold and given away so few of copies of Hex Immortal: Between Revolution's Wings (Book 1, Part 1)? Is it because it's a big steaming pile of kiwi crap?
A22: There are a multitude of factors that could explain this phenomenon. We'll explain a few of them for your own personal knowledge.
The first one is fear. People may be scared of us and/or our book, when they read our book descriptions on our Amazon and/or Smashwords product description webpages; or visit our book's facebook webpage; our Twitter webpage; or even this website. We use a lot of words, imagery, and concepts that heavy metal bands and movie people use for their respective works of art. You very rarely see these things in the book universe (both digital and physical). This way of thinking is beyond stupid. Then there are those who aren't afraid, but just don't want to read about these kinds of things.
The second reason is being biased. There are people who think that all books written by independent authors automatically suck. They think that your book is bad because you published it yourself. They think that if it was any good, it would've been picked up by a publisher. Of course, this is a fucking bold faced lie. Also, there are those who think that if your artwork has things or ideas that he or she disagrees with, it's automatically bad. This is another retarded way of thinking. Lastly, there are those who don't have the initiative to do anything and therefore despise anybody who does, as well as their work. They want everybody to be a loser like them, regardless if they believe that they themselves are losers or not.
The third reason is content. There are people who believe that if your book, or any other piece of art, has violence, bad language, and/or sex, it's impossible for it to also have a good story and/or character development. That is also horseshit. They're just too stupid to go beneath the surface of your art. Also, there are people who don't want you do disobey the traditional "rules" of a genre. They'll sometimes refer to this as you having "raped" the genre. If you do indeed engage in this so called "raping" of the genre that your work is in, they think it blows. Finally, there are some people who'll hate your project because it's not what they expected it to be, regardless if they actually thought it was good or not.
The fourth and final reason is that there are people who just don't understand what we're trying to do and because of that, they think that our book isn't any good. There's no good reason to think this way. First, we explain what we're doing on our Twitter webpage and in our Amazon and Smashwords product webpage book descriptions. We also explain what we're doing and why on our facebook webpage and this website. Second, it's just plain common sense. Therefore, only a complete and utter dumbass wouldn't understand our book's purpose, whether they used this as one of the criteria in their opinion of it or not.
These are some questions many visitors of this website may have about us and/or the Hex Immortal series. All of the questions and answers were conceived by us and us alone.