-Controversy has a new ally-
Hello. Together, we make up Forgature. Currently, we're working on a fictional series entitled Hex Immortal. We don't have a publisher, so we currently publish our own stuff at this time. We don't have any degrees in writing, but we do have some experience though. We've taken various writing classes and have written numerous stories for fun throughout the years.
Due to our no-nonsense, no holds barred, take no prisoners, kill everybody, and decimate everything approach to writing, some people may find it offensive, stupid, lowbrow, laughable, shitty, too depressing, mean-spirited, evil, etc. However, that's how writing, or any other form of art for that matter, progresses. If everyone in a specific art medium just uses the same things over and over again, nothing new is ever forged. Also, art should get people to converse about it, whether it be positively or negatively. Lastly, content of this nature should be used to enhance your product, not be the primary thing in it or the only thing in it.
With our Hex Immortal series, we're challenging the traditional perception of what a book should and shouldn't be. Instead of following the path that most other forgers follow, we're carving our own. Now because of that, we have no idea where we're headed or what stops we're going to make along the way. However, that's part of the fun for both us and our participants.
Zürthüryx Hemtolig Qosdarlu (real name: John Christopher Wegner)
Forger (author)
I am the one who came up with the idea for the Hex Immortal series. However, Thejyreq has helped make it what it is today. I've been writing for several years now. In 2009, I decided it was time to write a book of my own.
Thejyreq Vazgothicus Ldeikone (real name: James Michael Wegner)
Forger (author)
Behind every individual who comes up with an idea is somebody who believes in it. There’s also somebody who'll help bring it to life. I'm both of these people. As for how long I've been writing, I've been doing that for several years as well.