Scared Shitless...and Other Stuff

Well, this is our first real blog post. It's been a long time coming but we figure it's about time. Today we want to talk about a new plan I started on January 7, 2017: writing full time. Yep, you read that right. I'm going to do it for the next few months as a trial run.
As for my feelings on the matter, the title does a pretty good job of explaining it I suppose. But I'm not going to be a pussy about it. I've to face it like how Hex Immortal faces their threats in our book series (cheap promotion, yeah!). That means cutting off fear's privates with a dull rusty bayonet and then making it eat them. Isn't imagination wonderful?
It can get a little overwhelming when you think about all the work an author has to do. There's writing, editing, promoting, publishing, and networking, just to name a few. And it gets more specific with each of those jobs. It helps if you break it down into chunks. Then just take it one day at a time like the drunks do.
I'll admit though it's therapeutic to get my thoughts down on here. We just hope some one is demented enough to read this tripe. As for how often we're going to do blog posts, we'll have to figure that out along the way. But be rest assured they will NOT be politically correct. Anyway, take care and thank you for reading this. \m/ Forge on! \m/.